Q&A: If You Sneeze in the Prayer, Should You Say the Supplication?
Question: If one sneezes during prayer, does one say Alhamdulillah?
Answer: Bismillah.
If a person sneezes in the prayer, they should not praise Allah Most High after it by saying, “alhamdu li Llah,” as is normally the sunna, because this is not the time for extra invocations and remembrances (adhkar) which normally occur outside of the prayer.
However, if a person said it, their prayer would remain unaffected because it is a general remembrance which was not uttered as a form of communication with somebody else.
And Allah knows best.
Tabraze Azam
Amman, Jordan
قال الطحطاويّ في حاشيته على مراقي الفلاح ما نصّه: «وإنما قيد بالخطاب من المصلي لأنه لو قاله العاطس لنفسه لا تفسد لأنه بمنزلة قوله يرحمني الله وبه لا تفسد ظهيرية ولو قال الحمدلله فمن العاطس نفسه لا تفسد وكذا من غيره إن أراد الثواب إتفاقا» اهـ
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