Shafi‘is as Ahl al-Ra’y & Hanafis as Textual Muhib Allah al-Bihari al-Hanafi (d. 1119 AH) has a fascinating epistle explaining how the Shafi‘is actually employed more analogical reason (ra’y) in their legal positions than the Hanafis, despite the latter being …
The Wisdom & Beauty of Sadaqat al-Fitr By Imam Muhammad b. ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Bukhari al-Hanafi (d. 546 AH) From the beauty of the Sacred Law in the Book of Fasting is that sadaqat al-fitr is legislated after Ramadan — a …
The Minor & Major Sins By Zayn al-Din Ibn Nujaym al-Hanafi There is much disagreement amongst the giants of islamic scholarship with respect to what constitutes a major sin (kabira). Without going into the details, as that is not the …