Q&A: What is the ruling on asking forgiveness from others in relation to the acceptance of one’s Hajj?
Question: What is the ruling on asking forgiveness/pardon from others in relation to the acceptance/soundness of one’s Hajj?
Answer: Bismillah.
Returning the rights of others or seeking their pardon for any wrongs committed is part of a person’s repentance.
Imam Nawawi mentioned that there are three conditions for repentance: leaving the sin, having remorse and resolving never to return to it. He adds that if it relates to the rights of another person, he has to return that right.
An accepted hajj may be a means of your sins being forgiven, but anything that relates to the rights of others would still require specific pardon from them, just as a person would need to make up their missed prayers or fasts if they haven’t yet done so. Hence, it would be necessary to seek the pardon of those who have been wronged by you, and praiseworthy to seek the forgiveness of those you may have wronged accidentally or forgotten about.
People are intrinsically needy and their rights are dangerous ground — even the martyr isn’t forgiven for the debts he owes others.
And Allah knows best.
Tabraze Azam
Amman, Jordan.
قال الحصكفيّ في الدرّ المختار ما نصّه: «(هل الحج يكفر الكبائر؟ قيل نعم كحربي أسلم، وقيل غير المتعلقة بالآدمي كذمي أسلم. وقال عياض: أجمع أهل السنة أن الكبائر لا يكفرها إلا التوبة، ولا قائل بسقوط الدين ولو حقا لله تعالى كدين صلاة وزكاة، نعم إثم المطل وتأخير الصلاة ونحوها يسقط، وهذا معنى التكفير على القول به » اهـ ومثله في المسلك المتقسط لملا عليّ القاري
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Tag:acceptance, debts, hajj, repentance, reward