Q&A: What is khawd fi’l batil and is it permissible to listen to it?
Question: What is khawd fi al batil and is it permissible to listen to it?
Answer: Bismillah.
Conversing about the impermissible, or literally, wading in falsehood, (khawd fi’l batil) refers to speaking of sin such as fornication, wine-drinking gatherings, gambling in casinos and so on. Speaking about the false beliefs of those of other faiths would also appear to be from that which requires omission.
The wisdom in its interdiction is that speaking of sin lessens its gravity in the ears and minds of the listeners. As such, they become accustomed to hearing about wrongdoing, falsehood and matters which are offensive to Allah Most High and His Beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). This consequently may lead to people engaging in such offences as they deem them to be paltry or insignificant.
This is all in the case that a person talks about falsehood without due need. Otherwise, it is permissible to mention such matters when warning against them and their harms, or for other legitimate reasons in which it is clear that such matters are wicked and accursed.
Generally, the scholars affirm that listening to something that is not religiously sanctioned is also impermissible, just as saying it is.
And Allah knows best.
Tabraze Azam
Amman, Jordan.
قال البركوي في الطريقة المحمدية كما نقله بشرحه المفيد عليه أبو سعيد الخادمي في البريقة ما نصّه: «(التاسع عشر الخوض في الباطل وهو الكلام في المعاصي) لنفسه أو لغيره (كحكايات مجالس الخمر والزناة) جمع زان (والزواني) جمع زانية (من غير أن يتعلق بها غرض صحيح) كرواية الحديث والشهادة والدعوى (وهذا حرام لأنه إظهار معصية نفسه أو غيره من غير حاجة) دينية إلى إظهارها ويدخل فيه الخوض في حكايات البدع والمذاهب الفاسدة وحكايات ما جرى من مثالب الصحابة على وجه يوهم الطعن في بعضهم » اهـ
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