Where to begin at Irshad?

Where to begin at the Irshad Centre for Hanafi Studies?
When initiating one’s journey in seeking sacred knowledge, it can be overwhelming to see so many different course options–where do I even begin?!
This post seeks to resolve the question by directing you to that which is most likely to be in your best interests here at the Irshad Centre. (Keep in mind that the Irshad Centre is focused on the instruction of the Hanafi School and Tradition.)
Ideally, one should consult with one’s teachers as to how best to progress to the next level in on’e learning, but assuming that isn’t possible—or you don’t have any teachers!—a rough set of directions is found below. Both beginners and seasoned students of sacred knowledge will find something of benefit, insha’Allah.
As is the case with embarking on any significant life-journey: (1) consult those wiser than yourself, if needed and possible, (2) pray the salat al-istikhara, and (3) ask Allah to benefit you by His Infinite Grace. This matter of yours is deen, so be careful from whence you take it and be serious in its acquisition. There is no benefit in knowledge without practice, and there is no point in registration without adequate time and resolve.
May Allah grant us tawfiq in our respective ‘ilm-journeys, grant us sincerity and sunna in our practice, and bless us with a seat besides the inheritors of the prophets in the Gardens of Eden, amin!
(NB: some courses are actively running, some ran in the past and you can access the recordings and resources, and others run live only periodically.)
- “I don’t know anything!” Join the Ithaf al-Talib.
- “I know the basics, but I want to study fiqh in detail.” Join The Beginner’s Sufficiency.
- “Any courses for ladies that address women’s fiqh?” Join the Women’s Fiqh Intensive.
- “I want to study the Hanafi School from the beginning, in detail.” Join the HLCP Foundations Level.
- “I have studied the Hanafi School before, but I want a deeper, more holistic understanding.” Join the HLCP Level One or HLCP Level Two.
- “Who was Imam Abu Hanifa and what is the Hanafi School anyway?” Join The Hanafi Masters.
- “I want a full, detailed history of the Hanafi School!” Join the History of the Hanafi School.
- “I want to learn ‘aqida in detail.” Join the al-Usul al-Munifa.
- “I have studied for years, and I now want to take an advanced level course.” Join the Hidaya (Part One).
- “I want to study fiqh in Arabic.” Join the Sharh Mukhtasar al-Quduri.
- “I want to learn Hanafi usul al-fiqh!” Coming soon!
- “Any ladies-only courses for deepening one’s Hanafi fiqh and usul?” Join the Ladies Postgraduate Certificate in Hanafi Fiqh and Usul.
- “Any courses I can attend live and on-ground?” or “Will you consider doing a programme in my city?” Contact us for further details.
There are also a number of other course offerings available which you can find here and here; and stay tuned for much more!
And Allah Most High is the one who grants facilitation and success.