JHS: Second Edition

The Journal of Hanafi Studies invites papers that explore any aspect of the Hanafi tradition.
By way of example, and certainly not an exhaustive list, submissions may be made in any of the following areas: scholarly figures or legal texts, specific masa’il of usul or furu‘, varying legal traditions, Maturidism and its offshoots, translations of epistles, and new conversations on contemporary issues in light of Hanafi thought.
We seek articles of up to 10,000 words.
To declare your interest, please submit a proposed title and abstract of 300-500 words by December 25th 2022, along with a brief biography (100-300 words) outlining your academic background.
Accepted submissions will be informed shortly thereafter, with drafts expected by March 31st 2023. Following a peer review process, accepted papers will be published in our Autumn 2023 edition of the JHS.
For submissions or further questions, please reach out to us at: hanafismjournal AT gmail.com