
Postgraduate Certificate in Hanafism (PGCH)

£1,599.00 or £200.00 / month for 9 months

   الشهادة العليا في المدرسة الحنفية

The Postgraduate Certificate in Hanafism (PGCH) is an online year-long programme for ladies who have completed the classical Dars al-Nizami curriculum or an equivalent level of study. Apply to participate in the course here!

The Hanafi school is about more than just the masa’il of fiqh–it is an entire, unique system of following the shari‘a, inwardly and outwardly, with body, mind and soul. Join us on this special course in which we delve into an eye-opening journey through the underlying usul of law construction, the intimate connection between fiqh and usul, and the wider philosophy of the Hanafi madhhab itself. The course will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the Hanafi Tradition through a study of Abu Hanifa’s transmitted hadiths, theology, and religious directives, in addition to the fiqh and usul. Participants will also cover a text specifically addressing women’s fiqh issues (across various chapters of law) and a text on the rules and proper etiquette of marriage and married life. There will also be a study of legal maxims, madhhab development, and tafsir ayat al-ahkam.

This course is a prerequisite and a preparatory course for the Takhassus programme.

  • If you choose the subscription option, you are entering into a binding contract to complete the entire payment. There is no option to cancel this agreement.

Description: This course is exclusively for ladies. An overview of the syllabus is below:

  1. A study of Asqati’s full primer in fiqhKifayat al-Mubtadi wa Tadhkirat al-Muntahi
  2. A study of Aqhisari’s full primer in usul al-fiqhSamt al-Wusul
  3. A study of the Ahkam al-Nisa’ section from Natifi’s Jumal al-Ahkam
  4. A study of Qastamuni’s epistle on marriage: Risala fi Ahkam al-Zawaj
  5. A study of Imam Abu Hanifa’s transmitted work in Theology: al-Wasiyya
  6. A study of Ibn al-Muqri”s Musnad Abi Hanifa
  7. A study of two short writings on Imam Abu Hanifa’s directives to his student, Yusuf al-Samti: al-Wasaya
  8. A study of an abridgement of al-Mulla’s treatise on legal maxims: al-Mukhtasar fi al-Qawa‘id al-Fiqhiyya
  9. A study of the ayat al-ahkam on marriage and related issues from: Nayl al-Maram
  10. A study of the contemporary work on the makeup of the madhhabMadkhal li Dirasat al-Madhhab al-Hanafi
  11. A study of a hagiographic work on Imam Abu Hanifa: al-Mawahib al-Sharifa fi Manaqib al-Imam Abi Hanifa
  12. A study of Ibn al-Minqar’s summary of Taʿlim al-Mutaʿallim

The course will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the Hanafi Tradition through an intensive study of twelve modules, including Abu Hanifa’s transmitted hadiths, theology, and religious directives, in addition to the classical fiqh and usul. Participants will also cover a text specifically addressing women’s fiqh issues–covering issues across the various chapters of law–and a text on the rules and proper etiquette of marriage and married life. There will also be a study of the proper manners of a student of knowledge, a study of legal maxims and canons, madhhab development, and a study of tafsir ayat al-ahkam.

There will be ample opportunities during class for questions and discussion, and there will also be regular usage of the whiteboard or other means of presentation.

Recordings, additional resources, [digital editions of the] course textbooks, and access to the private Telegram group and forum, will be available to registered students.

Successful participants will receive the postgraduate certification. Apply for the course here!

Authors: Abu Hanifa | Mustafa b. Ahmad al-Asqati | Hasan b. Turkhan al-Aqhisari | Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Natifi | Abu Bakr b. Ibrahim (Ibn al-Muqri’) | Zayn al-Din Mustafa Effendi | ‘Ashiq Ilahi al-Barni | ‘Ali Jaradi | Salah Abu’l Haj | Raid al-Mulla | Ibn al-Minqar

Instructor: Tabraze Azam

Time: 7.45am-10am EST | 12.45pm-3pm GMT | 9.45pm-12am AEST

Frequency: Tuesdays & Thursdays

Starting: 8th April 2025

Length of course: ~250 hours / 15 Months (exc. scheduled breaks)

Payment Plans: If you need to subscribe to a payment plan, please use the Stripe option at checkout. PayPal is not an option for subscriptions. If you require financial aid, please apply via this form.

Prerequisites: Completion of a traditional alimiyya course or equivalent.

Level: Intermediate

Topics: Sacred Law (fiqh), Legal Theory (usul), Theology (‘aqida), Traditions (hadith), Ethics (adab), Exegesis (tafsir), and Madhhab Development, Maxims & History.

Assessment: Students will be assessed using different methods which may include essays, presentations, and written examinations.

Testimonials: A selection of student testimonials are found below:

“I don’t know where I would be without the PGCH course. After my ‘Alimah studies, I felt as though I was entering a deep ocean with no roadmap or guide to show me where next to go. Shaykh Tabraze has been the biggest blessing in my journey of Islamic Studies. His guidance coupled with his serene demeanour have gifted me with a sense of confidence and clear purpose in my life.” – Maariya K, Canada

“Experience Fiqh the way it ought to be with Shaykh Tabraze. The PGCH will open your eyes to the gaps in your previous studies and ultimately humble you. There is finally a safe space to ask all of your ‘why’ questions. A must for Alimiyyah graduates serious about their studies.” – Isma K, UK

“Shaykh Tabraze has a special way of teaching and presenting Fiqh, which is easy to understand but truly insightful. There’s so much to learn from him in this course for anyone pursuing the path of I’lm, whether you feel like a beginner or a master in Fiqh. It’s really a unique opportunity for women to enhance their skills and learn the Deen in a friendly, engaging, and enlightening environment.” – Fabiha M, US

“The PGCH course has been a life changing experience. It has enabled me to learn the Hanafi madhab in a holistic and structured way allowing me to understand the meanings behind ma’sail, the usuli principles, and have an overview of the scholars and books of the tradition. As a wife and a mother of a toddler, it has been difficult to further my deeni studies. However, the accommodating nature of Shaykh Tabraze, his unique teaching style and wealth of knowledge have made it a joyful and beneficial endeavour. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to every sister!” – Leana M, UK

“The PGCH course transformed my perspective on Fiqh and Islamic scholarship as a whole. It has taught me not to be content with what I have already studied. Ilm is a vast ocean and we’ve barely scratched the surface. I particularly appreciated the open-ended discussions, which often proved more enriching than the texts themselves. Shaykh not only teaches the subject but also ensures we fully grasp the deeper meanings and the mindset of the Faqih. I wholeheartedly recommend this course. The classroom environment is welcoming and supportive, regardless of where you are in your journey of seeking ‘Ilm.” – Sadiyah R, UK

“The PGCH is a great course to take whether you have recently graduated or it’s been a while, and this is an essential stepping stone as you transition from ‘Alimiyyah students to educators and community leaders. The PGCH offered me a space where my privacy as a female student is always respected and I am able to question and learn without judgement. Ample time and support is given so that I am able to maintain balance as busy mom and I’ve connected with a sisterhood of exceptional women!” – Miriam K, US

“This course has been excellent. It is comprehensive and holistic in its approach to understanding the madhab, offering a great deal of context as to the development of the Hanafi school, as well as the methodology and approaches of its key figures. This allows for a helpful framework before the actual study of the Fiqh begins, and I felt much better situated because of it. The teacher is very patient, dynamic and greatly skilled, navigating with ease through often convoluted discussions, and cutting through misconceptions, instead returning to the major principles at play. Likewise, the assignments are well designed, guiding students to develop a range of skills within research, critical thinking, writing, in addition to answering questions, navigating primary texts and secondary sources.” – Noor Y, UK