
The Hanafi Legal Code – Level Three

£1,999.00 or £200.00 / month for 11 months

HLCP Level Three (Year 1)

This is the fourth stage of a five-stage program which will take students through a formal, detailed, and holistic study of the Hanafi school via a pedagogically sound and structured curriculum. The carefully curated works chosen for the program focus on instilling a strong, principled, and in-depth understanding of the Hanafi school in every participant. Learn more about the program here. Registrations are only accepted from new participants after a successful application (apply here). 

  • If you choose the subscription option, you are entering into a binding contract to complete the entire payment. There is no option to cancel this agreement.

Description: At Level Three, students will begin their foray into advanced fiqh by studying classical texts on Rasm al-Mufti, such as ‘Uqud Rasm al-Mufti, and learning nuanced details about the madhhab, how it functions, and how to accurately produce answers. They will deepen their knowledge of Legal Theory by delving into Nur al-Anwar. Next, students will be introduced to a commentary text, al-Lubab, which will supplement and expand upon an earlier study of Quduri. In order to study the practice of the early Muslim community, students will cover Imam Muhammad’s recension of the Muwatta. Then, they will cover their final work on the science of Beliefs, Aqhisari’s Azhar al-Rawdat, and finally, students will study inward fiqh, namely, the proper etiquettes of practising the shari‘a in one’s life from the beautiful work, Shir‘at al-Islam.

Authors: Imam Abu Hanifa | ʿAbd al-Ghani b. Talib al-Maydani | Hasan Kafi al-Aqhisari | Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Shaybani | Muhammad Amin b. ʿAbidin | Mulla Jiwan | Imam Zada

Instructor: Tabraze Azam

Frequency: Mondays and Saturdays

Timings: 11am-1.30pm EST | 4pm-6.30pm BST 

Starting: 19th April 2025

Length of course: ~600 hours / ~30 months (exc. scheduled breaks)

Payment: If you need financial aid, you may contact us directly. Please note that there is no guarantee of aid as its availability depends upon various factors. Payments are taken on a yearly basis.

Prerequisites: Foundations Level (HLCP), Level One (HLCP), and Level Two (HLCP), or equivalent. Registrations are only accepted from new students or auditors after a successful application (apply here).

Level: Advanced

Topics: Sacred Law (fiqh), Legal Theory (usul), Beliefs (‘aqida), Ethics (ihsan) and Traditions (hadith).