Description: At Level One, students will learn about Hanafi hadith methodology in considerable detail using selections from Iʿlam al-Anam bi Istiʿab al-Imam Abi Hanifa li Ahadith al-Ahkam, and they will complete their first reading of a classical primer in Legal Theory through the Mukhtasar al-Manar. The student’s journey in mastering the fiqh of Imam Abu Hanifa will occur through the Kifayat al-Mubtadi, a text which focuses on transmitting the madhhab with brevity, allowing the student to focus and grasp all the central masaʾil with clarity. The specialised text at this level is the al-Mansak al-Saghir by Rahmatu ‘Llah al-Sindi which is a detailed treatise on the hajj pilgrimage. In their first work on Ahadith al-Ahkam, specifically according to the Hanafi school, students will study an abridgement of the Musnad Abi Hanifa. Students will also cover the transmitted beliefs by studying Imam Abu Hanifa’s Wasiyya, and finally, students will study inward fiqh, namely, the proper etiquettes of practising the shariʿa in one’s life from the beautiful work, Shirʿat al-Islam. Read the FAQs here. Class recordings, resources and digital editions of the course textbooks will be available on the course homepage. This course is delivered through a combination of live classes and recordings.
Authors: Imam Abu Hanifa | Mustafa b. Ahmad al-Asqati | Tahir b. Habib al-Halabi | Rahmatu Llah al-Sindi | Imam Zada | Salah Abu’l Haj | ‘Arif al-Mubarakfuri
Instructor: Tabraze Azam
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm EST | 3.30pm – 5.30pm BST
Frequency: Fridays (Fortnightly)
Starting: 18th April 2025
Length of course: 160 hours / 80 weeks (exc. scheduled breaks)
Payment: If you need to subscribe to a payment plan, please use the Stripe option at checkout. PayPal is not an option for subscriptions. If you need financial aid, you may apply here. Please note that there is no guarantee of aid as its availability depends upon various factors.
NB: Scholarship students are expected to attend and participate live, pass all assessments and assignments, and follow on the student-of-knowledge track. Further, such students will be on a three-month probation period and are liable to being removed from the course thereafter for poor attendance or other factors returning to the discretion of the centre’s management.
Prerequisites: Foundations Level (HLCP) or equivalent. Registrations are only accepted from new students or auditors after a successful application (apply here).
Expectations: Students are expected to attend sessions live and to have a working camera and microphone.
Level: Beginner / Level One (HLCP)
Topics: Sacred Law (fiqh), Legal Theory (usul), Beliefs (‘aqida), Ethics (ihsan) and Traditions (hadith).
Students should ideally purchase the course textbooks. We have an agreement in place so that a bundle may be purchased from here: TBC