The Hanafi Legal Code Program – FAQs
These FAQs address common questions asked by prospective students of the Hanafi Legal Code Program. If the answer to your question is not found on the general curriculum page, the specific page for the level itself, or this page, please contact us with your query.
- Who is the program for?
The program is primarily geared towards students who currently work or study full-time, or for those who have other existing time constraints which prevent them from formally studying more than a few hours per week. However, it is also suitable for traditional students of knowledge, for those who wish to review what they have already learnt, or for those desiring to grasp the Hanafi tradition in more depth.
- Do I need to know Arabic to apply?
No, beyond basic literacy, knowledge of Arabic is not a requirement for the foundational level. But it is expected that students who begin the main program (Level One onwards) will study the ancillary sciences, and they will be guided on which science to acquire and when. It isn’t possible to be a serious student of knowledge or embark on any significant, academic study of religion without the language or tools of the scholars.
- Do you offer any financial aid?
Unfortunately, we don’t have funding at the present time to offer significant financial aid. However, financial barriers should not prevent a student from accessing knowledge, so please fill out the application form should you require it. Having said that, need-based, full scholarships are available at each level of the program and awarded to the most deserving candidates. And for those who cannot pay the tuition fee upfront, payment plans are also available.
- How much time is required outside of class to keep up?
It depends on the student. Some time outside of the class is essential to prepare for the assessments at the end of the level. Beyond that, it returns to each student’s own desire to review, prepare and study. The more time one puts in, the more one will benefit from the course and study. From Level Three onwards, students should expect that they will need to put in more time to adequately solidify their knowledge.
- What platforms are used to host the classes?
The live sessions are streamed live through Zoom and the class resources, forums and recordings are available through Canvas. Students may also voluntarily choose to join the class Telegram group which allows for more direct contact with the instructor and other students. Some levels are also offered live on-the-ground, so do check the course pages for that option.
- How long do students have access to the material?
Students have access to the materials for a minimum period of three months after the completion of the level.
- Are there any breaks from classes during the year?
Yes, there are scheduled breaks for both Ramadan and Eid al-Adha, as well as a summer and winter break.
- Why don’t you teach the canonical books of hadith, or works of sirah and tajwid?
This is a specialised course offering which is carefully designed to create students who are deeply grounded in the Hanafi tradition–its law, legal theories, foundational underpinnings and history. It is not a general learning curriculum so it doesn’t cover sciences which fall outside of its remit. Such other studies can occur during and after the program, as and when the student feels ready. But the most important shari‘a sciences are covered in significant depth.
- Can I test into a level of my choice?
This is possible (up to Level Two) if there is space and you are able to pass the entrance assessments which cover the contents of previous levels. However, this is generally inadvisable as graduating students are on a knowledge-journey and the groundwork covered in the various levels may not have been covered in the same manner elsewhere. But if one can demonstrate a similar level of learning and understanding, one’s application will be seriously considered.
- Can I study selected texts of my choice from each level?
No, the program is one cohesive unit and designed to take students to a certain level of understanding of the Hanafi tradition. Dropping in and out of classes disrupts the harmony of the classes and unit as a whole.
- How can I join the program?
For the foundations level, you may register whenever the registration period opens. To register for the main program, you must first submit an application (see the respective course page). If accepted, you will be able to register for the program. To be the first to know about new application deadlines, join our mailing list!
And Allah Mighty and Majestic is the giver of success.