Takhassus in Hanafi Fiqh


التخصص في الفقه الحنفي

The Takhassus in Hanafi Fiqh offering is an onsite and online, postgraduate, two-year specialisation programme for ladies who have completed their studies in a traditional institution of learning, such as the Dars al-Nizami or equivalent, and have attained their PGCH. 

Participants will seek to master the underlying philosophy of the Hanafi way through an in-depth study of significant, authoritative primers (mutun) in both positive law (furu‘) and legal theory (usul). The main course texts will be (1) Sadr al-Shari‘a’s abridgement of the masa’il of Imam Marghinani’s Hidaya, (2) Akhsikati’s abridgement of Bazdawi’s Usul, (3) Abu Bakr al-Mulla’s abridgement and commentary of the qawa‘id of Ibn Nujaym’s al-Ashbah, and (4) Ibn ‘Abidin’s Sharh ‘Uqud Rasm al-Mufti. Participants who fulfil the course requirements will graduate with a diploma. All prospective participants must fill in the application form here

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Description: An overview of the syllabus is below:

  1. A History and Introduction to the Hanafi School
  2. A study of Sadr al-Shari‘a’s al-Nuqaya Mukhtasar al-Wiqaya
  3. A study of Akhsikati’s Muntakhab al-Husami
  4. A study of Abu Bakr al-Mulla’s summary of Ibn Nujaym’s AshbahZawahir al-Qala’id
  5. A study of Ibn ‘Abidin’s Sharh ‘Uqud Rasm al-Mufti
  6. A study of Ibn ‘Abidin’s commentary of Birgivi’s manual on menstruation: Manhal al-Waridin
  7. A study of al-Maydani’s epistle on menstruation: al-Matalib al-Mustataba
  8. A Detailed Overview of Hanafi Texts, Authors and Regional Centres

Classes will be recorded for absentees and for further review. There will be ample opportunities in class for questions as classes will be interactive and discussion-based with regular usage of the whiteboard or other means of presentation.

Authors: Sadr al-Shari‘a ‘Ubayd Allah b. Mas‘ud | Husam al-Din al-Akhsikati | Abu Bakr al-Mulla | Muhammad Amin b. ‘Abidin

Instructor: Tabraze Azam

Time: TBC

Frequency: TBC

Starting: TBC

Length of course: 350 hours / 2 Years (exc. scheduled breaks)

Prerequisites: Completion of a traditional alimiyya course or equivalent.

Level: Advanced

Topics: Sacred Law (fiqh), Legal Theory (usul), Legal Maxims (qawa‘id), Law Application (usul al-fatwa), History (tarikh al-madhhab), and Madhhab Literature.

Assessments: Participants will be expected to read commentary-literature and prepare outside of class, submit class homework assignments, where applicable, write a supervised dissertation in the second year (5K-10K words), and take the end-of-course examinations (oral and written).

Attendees will also be highly encouraged to memorise Sadr al-Shari‘a’s al-Nuqaya, Aqhisari’s Samt al-Wusul, a significant number of legal maxims and Ibn ‘Abidin’s ‘Uqud Rasm al-Mufti. 

Time Commitment: Minimally three hours outside of class. 

(The course will only run if the minimum quota of students is met.)